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Mail Art Not War!


new names added to the mailartist database

<HTML>The mailartist database on my website has been updated w/ the addition of 3 more names
Jacqueline Disler
Re: new names added to the mailartist database
May 31, 2002 10:58PM
<HTML>Dearest mark,
Got the sendings. May I express my gratitude and is it my turn. What I mean to say am I "it" colloquially. Frank K. Jentzen in Denmark. Sendings to Britain are enormously costly. Who is Benjamin? K-mart might open up a branch of the U.S. postal system and give the buggers a run for their money. Time spent LOL.
Sincerely apologetic,
That wasp you don't want to acknowledge Born of prudent business
practices and gutter language.
What is a fluxus back?

Are you sure I'm it? Can I send you my book sans autograph or with
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