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Mail Art Not War!


back and forth without bombs

back and forth without bombs
March 28, 2003 11:12PM
<HTML>Mail art discussions have flourished on this international message board across oceans and borders. There is a great need for the special kind of mail art interconnectedness during these days of bloodshed and intense miscommunications amongst world rulers. Mail art is a vehicle for peaceful exchange, freedom of expression. and intercultural understanding between individuals and within the community of mail artists. During the Viet Nam war a common Network aphorism was that Mail Art was the Big Back and Forth without Bombs. See you in the mail, honoria</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
back and forth....
March 30, 2003 08:01PM
<HTML>Ahhh, the great back and forth...I'd like to see no mention of war and yet it is everywhere, my soul cries...my eyes burn with tears...</HTML>
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