Chirtoaca Constantin
Has been born : 6/24/1945
Village Pecestea, Area Rezina;
Republic of Moldova, street M.Spataru 7/32
City Cricova , Zip :2084
http ://
The Artist Formation :
( 1972 - 1976 ) - Art school “ I.E.Repin “
Dedication :
( 1977 - 1978 ) - Museum of Art Republic of Moldova ( the artist, the restorer, the schedule )
( 1985 - 1993 ) - The Museum of History Republic of Moldova ( the artist, the restorer, the schedule )
Personal Exhibitions :
( 1999 - 2000 ) - Capella Sant Ilie - Rome
Indicative Exhibitions :
( 1977 ) - On The Quiet Way ( the Anniversary Exhibition )
( 1978 ) - Republican, Art, the Anniversary Exhibition ( the Central Showroom, Chisinau )
( 1980 ) - International Exhibition ( Olimpiada - 80, Moscow )
( 1984 ) - The International Exhibition ( competition, “ For the world, Humanism, Against Threat of Nuclear War “ ) Moscow
( 1998 ) - The Exhibition “The Roman Summer ” - Rome
( 2000 ) - The Exhibition “Small Format ” ( The Showroom “ Una strada per l’arte ” ) - Rome
( 2001 ) - Association “ Art, City, Culture ” - Rome
( 2005 ) - XXII The Display of Paintings ( Bazilic - S.Cosma si Damian )
( 2006 ) - XXIII The Display of Paintings ( Bazilic - S.Cosma si Damian )
( 2006 ) - The Thematic Exhibition “ Cantico de le creature ” - di S.Francisco
Release of The Book, In Common, With The author : Gheorge Cutaseivici; “ Pe straduca cu povesti ”, „ La Soroca in cetate ”, ” Nu mai plingeti fiarelor ”.
Release of The Book, In Common, With The author : Efim Tarlapan; “ Iese un arici la drum ”.
Monographies/Catalogues/Posters/Prospectuses :
The Catalogue : “On the Lenin Way “
The Catalogue : “ The Lenin Cosmonaut “ 60 years
The Catalogue : “ The World Competition of the Political Poster ”
Album :
“ In The Name of The Peace On The Ground ”
Magazine :
“ Segni D’arte “ - Rome ( 2006 )
Periodicals :
“ A Book Review ”, Moscow ( 8/11/1978 )
“ Chisinăul de seara ”, Chisinau ( 7/2/1983 )
« Avenire» , Rome ( 2000 )
« AGES» , Culture, Tourism, Performance, the Present, di Mara Ferloni; Rome ( 11/16/2006 )
Premiums and Awards :
The honourable Diploma - The State Committee M.S.S.R on Affairs Publishing Houses and Polygraphies
The Diploma - The Participant of the World Competition Moscow ( 1984 )
Works In the State Collection :
Museum of The Art Republic of Moldova
Museum of History And Archeology of Republic of Moldova