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Mail Art Not War!


a Visit from John Held,jr.

Dragonfly Dream
a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 17, 2001 10:03PM
<HTML>John Held,jr. was in Santa Fe recently and we spoke extensivly about mail art. John seems to be entering a phase of life where he would rather research and document mail art rather than do it. His focus is on 20th century mail art. I aksed him who is favorite mail artist of that time was and this was someone I'd never heard of. Granted we can't know everyone and John teased me that I now have more correspondants than he does. But it made him sad I did not know this mail artist. This is why we must write and document mail art. Now I know asking who a favorite is in mail art is probably a no no, but we all have our "favorite's" in life....so why not in mail art? Opps, another no no, I can't just hear the flames already. Sigh.....</HTML>
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 18, 2001 08:42AM
<HTML>My favorite mailartists are the ones not resting on the laurels of history.</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 18, 2001 04:27PM
<HTML>Giggles, good response David! Alas, I feel I almost need a rest....cancer has slowed me down.....but here I am doing mail art! Long live mail art!</HTML>
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 18, 2001 04:44PM
<HTML>Mailart can certyainly feel all-consuming at times... but maybe that's just MY obsessive-compulsive personality.

Even when I feel too ill to create I get something in the mail that I simpy MUST respond to and then the floodgates break open. However, I admit to being more selective in which calls I respond or to which mail I answer. (Condemn me if you will.)

John Held, Jr. is NOT resting on his laurels. John is still active in the Network. I am fortunate to receive correspondence from John regularly. Meanwhile, he is concentrating his efforts on documenting and preserving mailart for future generations.

Speaking of visits from illustrious mailartists: I was blessed to receive a visit from Dragonfly Dream recently as she was passing thru Dallas.

keep on creating!
David Alvey
Aardvark Studios
PO Box 542913
Dallas, TX 75354-2913 USA</HTML>
rae's of sun
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 19, 2001 05:02AM
<HTML>Greetings -

Sounds like everyone is going on vacation.

A number of months ago I went to a party John Held Jr. had at his home for Giovanni Strada da Ravenna. It was wonderful meeting John and seeing Giovanni (It was difficult to communicate with Giovanni because I do not speak Italian), however, Giovanni and Renata were lots of fun. I meet a bunch of other mail arts too. It was really great meeting and exchanging address with new people (at least new to me!!) I hope to meet other mail artist as time goes on.

Rae's of Sun</HTML>
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 19, 2001 05:27AM
<HTML>Yeah, I correspond with John too, and a lot of the time he's quicker to reply than I. I seem to go through cycles where I'll get behind and then get a flurry of inspiration or something and catch up with mail that has been in the file for some time. A lot of the time I would rather be doing mail art than the things that are necessary for the maintenance of life (like working, eating, sleeping, etc.). Yeah, it gets compulsive. Then I seem to burn out for a while. And I have found folks to be understanding when there is a hiatus between their mailing and mine. I don't find anyone condemning others for being slow in answering mail.
It seems to me a choice of how we use our time and energy, and sometimes other things have to come first. I don't want to be a mail art superheroine. I just wanna have fun.

P. O. Box 486
Otis Orchards, Wa. 99027
U. S. of A.</HTML>
John Held, Jr.
Re: a Visit from John Held,jr.
July 20, 2001 05:24PM
<HTML>Had a wonderful time in Santa Fe with Dragonfly Dream, running around to a number of art events, including the SITE Santa Fe Bienniel opening, curated by art critic superstar Dave Hickey. We also met Peter Frank, current LA art critic, an early mail art supporter, who wrote about artistamps way back in the 70s.

Was in Santa Fe to move my mother from there to Montana. Left Santa Fe late Monday afternoon, getting as far as South Colorado, creeping over the Raton Pass with a 25 foot moving van, towing a car, and mom in the front cab. Next day was the biggie, driving from Raton, Colorato, to Casper, Wyoming. 12 hours of intense stuff. Then Casper to Bozeman on Wednesday. And arrived Helena, Montana on Thursday, where my brother and I unloaded the truck and got mom into her new home.

Also wanted to respond to Dragonflys' posting about FAVORITE mail artists. I think I explained to her, that I try not to have FAVORITE mail artists, but rather ADMIRE some more then others. If pressed, I prefer to classify mail artists as more ACTIVE then others, not BETTER. The quality thing. But I did mention that I ADMIRE Pawel Petasz, a Polish mail artist, who did much to spread mail art in Eastern Europe in the 70s. He was also one of the first artists anywhere to use a computer. I met him for the first time in Minden last year (with Kustermann, Fierens, Redwood, Kamperelic, et. al.)

The point being-I was surprised that Alice (Dragonfly) had not heard of Petasz. If mailartists know nothing of mail art history, how can we expect outsiders to respect us. And of course, those who know nothing of history are doomed to repeat it's mistakes.For all these reasons, I take it upon myself to document the field.

I DO want to cut back my mail art activity. The trouble is that I'm, obsessed by it, and can't.</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
mail art obsessions
July 21, 2001 05:08PM
<HTML>Hi John and all here,

Yes, I did get what John was saying about Active vs Admire vs Favorite. I think John was suprised I hadn't heard of Pawel Petasz because I do correspond with so many folks. John once teased me as he joked I send to more folks than he does. Somehow I don't believe that....heck John has been called a "mail art guru"!

As for me not knowing mail art history...umm, I read many books, zines, documentations, websites, etc, but if I am not corresponding directly with someone they are not in my radar so to speak. I have a list of folks who I've corresponded with over the years and it probably is over 500 folks world wide. I create a new list every few years of who I am actively sending to, this years list is over 300. Yikes huh! Now I don't send something to each of these folks daily or monthy, but at least yearly, or semi annually.

I keep a record of what I have sent to folks so I don't repeat, but I don't record what has been sent to me. I can spend an entire day doing mail art, recording, documenting, playing..... Wish I could do it every day!

<A HREF="[www.dragonflydream.com">Dragonfly] Dream</a></HTML>
Re: mail art obsessions
July 22, 2001 03:26AM
<HTML>Dear Dragonfly Dream
As we can see from your last messsage you are far from resting on your laurels, hope you didn't think that I was indicating that you were (all my best wishes for your health). Remember that history is selective and mailart history is one of the most personal of histories, we all create our own sense of it. Mailart is far from dead and no reason to become a museum piece in the ism of history.</HTML>
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