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yes -font-size bigger ?

Dragonfly Dream
so is this our new board???
April 24, 2001 08:52PM
<HTML>Will they other one go away? Is this it? So far I like it, I like it. But for me the font size is very small. Hard to read.</HTML>
Re: so is this our new board???
April 24, 2001 11:13PM
<HTML>Seems so, doesn't it? Didya vist the German and French boards, too? Very Tres Sehr Kool!
I only speak a few words of French & a little more German, and never could spell.. even in English . Figure it all ends up being a Universal art lingo in the end... whereever that end is located... be it New Mex or O'ahu, Texas or -- right here!
(Now if I could only figure out this attachment dealie thingy whatever)</HTML>
Re: so is this our new board???
April 24, 2001 11:18PM
<HTML>I yearn for the OLD board! It seems we aren't getting nearly as many different people posting on either of the newer boards. Guess it'll just take time. It is good to see old friends here, though.

THANKS to Hans and Merlin for the meeting space!

keep on creating!
Hans Braum?ller
yes -font-size bigger ?
April 25, 2001 12:36PM

this is our new messagebord !

should i increase the font-size ?

What are opinions from the others ?

Greetings, Hans</HTML>
Re: yes -font-size bigger ?
April 28, 2001 03:09PM
<HTML>Yes I think it would be helpfully to set the fontsize a littlebit bigger and setting it "strong" ?cause - it is also a problem of screen-solutions---

Not everyoone is owner of a 17`Monitor and so on.......

it would be easyer to read - even I have no problems with,

I agree to set the font a littlebit bigger and strong.

Dragonfly Dream
Re: yes -font-size bigger ?
April 29, 2001 07:20PM
<HTML>Yes, please, please, if you can make the font bigger I would be very happy! Thanks Hans!</HTML>
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