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Mail Art Not War!


Re: empty mail box?

empty mail box?
August 28, 2001 03:09AM
hello everyone.
i was just wondering if any of the veteran mail artists out there ever have days where they don't receive any mailart at all.
just curious i guess.

take care,

eric boucheron
antitext industries
920 whalley ave apt f
new haven ct 06515-1708
dADa Vark
Re: empty mail box?
August 28, 2001 05:17AM
<HTML>I only check my PO box once or twice weekly, but I can not recall a time when I checked it and did not have ANY mailart. Usually there's at least a dozen or so pieces. Even when I spent most of June/July in the hospital or recovering, and was unable to send much out, I still had a steady flow.

Aardvark Stud
PO Box 542913
Dallas, TX 75354-2913 USA</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
Re: empty mail box?
August 28, 2001 03:44PM
<HTML>Hasn't happened in a very long time. It seems I get at least one piece a daysmiling smiley but usually more like 10! Me, addicted to mail art??? Nah.

Dragonfly Dream
223 N.Guadalupe #286
Santa Fe,New Mexico
87501 USA


"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." --Thomas Edison.</HTML>
Re: empty mail box?
August 28, 2001 06:37PM
<HTML>Because I have been so busy at my new job I've not been able to send out much mail art but I have been receiving some most days as a result of the Clashing and Converging call combined with responses to the mail art network/Internet<a href="[ccwf.cc.utexas.edu]; When I was working and going to school before I started researching mail art and the internet in earnest I had much less time for mail art, and my mail box was often full of other kinds of mail such as student loan notices. The other day I had a mail box full of nothing but mail art! Five pieces of mailart arrived that day. I didn't open them. I took them to a party and when people asked me what my dissertation was about, instead of telling them, I handed them one of the pieces of mail art to open. It was a mini envelope-opening performance.</HTML>
rae's of sun
Re: empty mail box?
August 29, 2001 05:03AM
<HTML>Greetings -

The last 2 days my mailbox has been empty. When I had my project going I was getting mail every day. But now that the project is over it seems the mail art has slowed down to a trickle. I feel I have to have a project going in order to have a regular flow. But that is an incredible amount of work (and money). I could say I was doing a big fancy project and not send out any documentation, but that would not be truthful.

Maybe having a web site helps - you get more exposure. After all speaking from experience, Dragonfly Dream was my first contact and it was because of her web site.

Rae's of Sun</HTML>
dADa Vark
Re: empty mail box?
August 29, 2001 03:52PM
<HTML>You don't have to have a mailart call to receive mailart. It's one of mailart's most basic tenets- senders receive.

I keep a log (nothing fancy... just a spiral notebook) of incoming mailart and my responses, and also calls and docs. Then I can look back and see who I sent what and when. Not that it always has to be tit for tat, but it also alerts when some people become inactive.

By the way, THANKS for the Birds doc.

Aard Stu
POB 542913
Dallas, TX 75354-2913 USA</HTML>
RF C?t
Re: empty mail box?
August 29, 2001 06:40PM
<HTML>Standby Rae's of Sun, something is coming down your way. I actually sent a little something yesterday to help filling your mail box...
rae's of sun
Re: Not for long!!!
August 30, 2001 03:01AM
<HTML>Thanks .... Looking forward to some fun.

Rae's of Sun</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
Re: first contact
September 01, 2001 09:54PM
<HTML>Rae, I was your first contact???!!!!!! Wow, that's cool!!! Now, I have a Rae in my database but I'm not sure it's you. What is your mailing address? Did you do the Birds call? AM I mixing you up?</HTML>
rae's of sun
Re: first contact
September 02, 2001 06:58PM
<HTML>Greetings -

Yes I'm one in the same.

My mom always called me her sunshine.

Rae's of Sun
AKA Rae Trujillo
40 El Rancho Drive
Pleasant HIll, Ca 94523</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
Re: empty mail box?
September 01, 2001 09:51PM
<HTML>Oh Honoria I love that idea! So often folks ask me what I do and when I say mail art I get blank stares....</HTML>
jcsynthetics/philip vw
Re: empty mail box?
September 01, 2001 12:34PM
<HTML>im not a veteran mail artist......ive only been making sending and receiving mail art for 5 years

i have days without mail art poping through my mail box.........i like it that way......i realy appreciate the mail art i receive when i do receive it....not taking it for granted.....right now i have a pile of envelopes and postcards to respond to from the last week or so.......if i had mail every day the time it takes to respond to them all....as i always do....would not be practical

i send mail in a block once a month it coincides with a pay packet!!......it allows me to predict as to when im more likely to receive mail.......which is usualy at its most 2/3 pieces a day for around a week or two.....two weeks after my monthly sending......with nice week gaps of little mail either side.........i also limit what comes through my mail box by what i send......cost of postage has been a problem to me as i have finite resources!.....i send postcards and small amounts.........this usualy results in fewer responses when im financialy tight.......but what a treat the responses are!!!...........when i have a little more cash available i send a little more......this can have a snowball effect if im not carefull and again is brought back in to controlle by the ongoing state of my finances

the postal service a sit is on the outside looks to be reletivly expensive..40p for a postcard world wide and 36p for euro stamp.........this is air mail of course.....having spoken to michael lumb recently i was delighted to discover that for 36p i can send up to 3 a4 sheets in an envelope anyware in the world by surface mail.........thanks royal mail for advertising cheep mail so effectivly!!.............i guess from here on ill be able to send (and receive) more mail then i have been of recent...........a shame i hadnt researched this a bit more years ago!!!</HTML>
Kate S.
Re: empty mail box?
September 01, 2001 09:29PM
<HTML>I think you spoke for me, too...
Finances and responses are as inter-dependent for me as they appear to be for you. My ability to respond is based on
physical exhaustion and the other demands in my life,
as well as those pesky $ and ?.
Some folk are prolific, gracious and don't have to choose between food, stamps and xerox; others do - which is why
ALL responses are appreciated here. I like my (still unmanageable) constant trickle.
There's room on Planet MailArt for roaring rivers and meandering brooks. I related to and appreciated reading your input.</HTML>
jcsynthetics/philip vw
Re: empty mail box?
September 06, 2001 08:43PM
<HTML>its good to know that there are people in a simmilar possition as my self re choice between food and stamps.....often when i receive wonderfull doccumentation that looks to have taken enormous resourse and flyers to projects that look like they can be made BIG because of monetary funds i feel a little inadequate.....i an assured though that mail art is a democratic practice and what ever my contribution.......well it is a contribution however large or small...indeed in mail art there can be no winners its definatly the taking part that counts......adding to the rich diversity of what comes through the mail box</HTML>
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