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Mail Art Not War!


Re: the dragon sleeps

this is me
August 30, 2001 09:56PM
<HTML>This is me:

<img src="[www.talknet.de];


For me it SS-eems your target to destroy the good connections.

If you go further this line I will not accept it - I deletet the wrong

This one of yours is not only spam, it is just war.

I did not only study art, I studied Kung-Fu too, also Iaido - swordfight,
and Zen-Monk-Meditation.

want to see some diploma of it online? You will get what you want,
but never this what you will need.

Keep your bad political agitation out of this area art is art with politics too, but your are hurting me too just very hard too again.

I will not accept this.

Freedom and Democracy is made to live together in peace and helping
eachothers, not for war.

Spread your hate whereever you want - enough freespace and boards are available everywhere, but whatch your own steps especially here!

Re: the dragon sleeps
August 31, 2001 08:20PM

I completely support your <i>direct approach</i> philosophy, even though email/posts are not really <b>real time.</b> Sometimes it make take several days before I check the message board and I usually recieve a letter within a few days. Which is quicker?

But your most recent post is a direct and personal attack on Merlin - and I can't support it.

Is he just a convienent target or are you trying to make some obscure point about <b>webmasters</b> in general?

Please post a picture of yourself - so that I may abuse you as well. After all it would only be fair.

What the hell does Merlin have to do with the situation in the Middle East?

As for the world falling apart, IT always has been! There has always been War somewhere and slavery (economic or otherwise) and hunger. Every generation has it's doomsdayers and Chicken Littles.

I am completely optimistic about the future. Mass communication will aid in our transformation toward a more Utopian world. It will of course take time, but I see many more positive developments than the negatives.

This will, however, be dependent on how quickly our scientists can create biological or ecological chaos. Those are my fears: Frankenfoods and Nonotechnology.

You see everyone has their own agenda. I know you are trying to Zen-slap your fellow artisans into wakefulness, but personal attacks on perceived tyrants will NOT endear anyone to your cause.

Remember <a href="[www.3dcom.com] Vineagar Eaters?"</a> You need a leason in Taoism before your face is locked in a permanent scowl.

Yes. I do <i>get</i> it. You have found a community here to aggrevate and you are enjoying the flames/responses/conflicts you think you created.

I once enjoyed my chaos here - BUT I never attacked Merlin personally. I believe it is wrong to do that. I may had had an issue with his methods, but I never drew a peace sign on his dong or called him a Nazi.

Just doesn't seem classy - unless it was intended as humorous. Maybe I'm not getting the joke? In any case, why don't you spread the humor around a bit. I have pics of several people on the board. Would you like to lampoon us all?

I think maybe you are just jealous of Merlin's board. <a href="[groups.yahoo.com] list</a> has been a bit inactive these days, has it not?

You are on target for the Troll-puppy award.

Merlin's bud</HTML>
Craig Purcell
my dragoness_lieben
August 31, 2001 08:47PM
<HTML>At last some reaction - any action/reaction will do - as real time as we can get. You should check your mail more often...

K have you lost your sense of humour like the rest of the prickly mail art community and become shrill, churlish complete with censorius lecturing ovettones about fitting in with the clan?

I like vinegar, honey and sweet and sour pork too.

Here's my picture/scan - have at it - demonize me to your hearts content.

As for peace signs covering parts best hidden - Wasn't the Sixties all about sexual freedom combined with a "we are the people" socialist world view? A man who posts naked images of himself for the world to see surely is a flower child from the Summer of Love - or at least a wanna be... I tbink this is an apt and just direct interaction/transformation of the image.

You may not like it - but I am not here to make mail artists feel comfortable about all the kooky mail they will be getting in their post boxes.

Sure I would love to lampoon all the pics of everyone - post them - maybe we can get a bit of visual dialogue going in the true spirit of Ray.

Oh I forgot... The purpose and be all and end all of the message board is supposed to be about posting things in the mail.

As for my list - I have not botrhered to check it recently - it seems like all one gets is calls for mail art calls.



PS I liked your influence/confluence/fluence piece...</HTML>
Under the Bridge Troll Puppy Award
September 01, 2001 01:39AM
<img src="[www.art.net];
Re: my dragoness_lieben
August 31, 2001 09:27PM
<HTML>As a student of art historical formalism i'd have to say craig's scan looks a lot like his texts sound. giggle.</HTML>
Re: the dragon sleeps
August 31, 2001 09:59PM
<HTML>wellspoken swordbrother and brother in meditation,

you now know why I wanted YOU to become a Master/Servant
in this boards using it for free without any commerce...

Do not care about Craig anymore - his rule is that he want not
to understand , he want not to care for anything - his target is
making trouble whereever he wents (not becoming kicked out
very fast) a kind of destructive Troll I now believe in that he is
a destroyer without any wisdom or force - an kicked child-
abused trying to put his anger into any area he still is reaching
after every fried he lost.

but I will accept him if he is accepting mailart instead trying +
to destroy it.

it is time to delete his postings in future- the old ones will not
become deleted - everyone shall see how he is acting.


Brother in Mind</HTML>
Dragonfly Dream
Re: this is me
September 01, 2001 09:29PM
<HTML>Hey Merlin, I like that photo! Very serene and mysterious. Thanks!

<A HREF="[www.dragonflydream.com"><img] src="[www.dragonflydream.com]; alt=Dragonfly width=100 height=100 border=0 align=center></a><br></HTML>
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