Please send me your artwork, in any media, up to letter size if paper, or if 3D media (clay, metal, etc), send photos of:
1) your ideas of the insanity of pain (any kind), of the medical system, abusive doctors, pharmaceuticals, people who just don't "get" you because you are ill and/or invisible (wheelchair vs. unseen illness - lupus, fibromyalgia), or LGBT - coming out of the closet, or not yet out. And please understand - I am in NO way equating illness with sexual orientation or gender identity. This is about feeling invisible and in pain.
2) the worst "significant" others in your life - your incompatible partner(s), estranged family, terrible "friends", failed marriages, abusive relationships, etc. Because I am a female, I like to see your artistic renderings of the awful men in your life - or out of your life....! Because of my recent experience, I'd like to see your take of the aftermath of rape. Because I was raped, my former partner decided to trash all the mail art I received over the last two years and force me into homelessness - but it didn't stop me from living - in fact, I have more ideas with which to work now. But I sincerely apologize for your lost art!
3) For animal lovers - animals adopting one another, animal rescues, and, even though these are extremely difficult to see - neglected and/or abused animals. If you do photography, design a project out of your photos to portray juxtapositions - images that make you look twice, shake your head, force you to think, contrasted with images of loved animals - the extraordinary.
I've received awesome mail art on these subjects, so please keep them coming, along with your own art calls and I'll send you whatever my foggy brain screams to be let out and you want. I will be posting your art, crazy as it might be, either on my blog, or in the upcoming "The Closet Door" literary and visual arts' journal.
Send to:
Deanna Hart
Box 546
Bragg Creek, AB
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2016 01:23AM by Deanna or Emile.