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Mail Art Not War!


Re: Mail art call : Rock n\' roll and the devil

Mail art call : Rock n' roll and the devil
04-enero-2003 17:34
Theme: Rock n' roll and the devil.

Technique, size(format), free.

Constraint: no

Deadline: no deadline

Please, send you work to : David Delhorme - 126, rue de la Grange - 60170
Pimprez - FRANCE

Creation of a Web site gallery ( [] ) for this project mail-art with coordinates
of mail artists (address, email, Internet site)


Theme : Le diable et le rock n' roll.

Technique, format, libres.
Contrainte : Aucune
Deadline : pas de limite de date

Envoyez le tout ?:
David Delhorme
126, rue de la grange
60170 Pimprez

Cr?ation d'un site web galerie ( [] ) pour ce projet mail-art avec coordonn?es
des mail artistes ( adresse, email, site internet )


Theme: Rock n' roll und Der Teufel.

Technik, Format, frei.

Zwang: Keine

Deadline: NO

Senden Sie das alles in: David Delhorme - 126, rue de la Grange - 60170
Pimprez - FRANCE

Schaffung einer Webseite Galerie ( [] ) f?r diesen Entwurf Mail-kunst mit
Personalien(Koordinaten) des mail K?nstler (schicke Internet-Seite, email,)


Tema: rock n' roll y el diablo .

T?cnica, tama?o (formato), libre(gratis).

Coacci?n: ning?n

Plazo(fecha l?mite): NO limite

Por favor, env?e el todo en: David Delhorme - 126, rue de la Grange - 60170
Pimprez - FRANCE

Creaci?n de una galer?a de sitio web ( [] ) para esta arte correo de proyecto
con las coordenadas de artistas de correo (direcci?n, correo electr?nico,
Site del Internet)
Re: Mail art call : Rock n\' roll and the devil
26-enero-2004 03:57
Almandrade?s works centre on the cooling down of the ecstatic gaze. Not the gaze fixed on what it was, but on what it is. He interprets the icy space of the city. Architect, theorist, poet and artist, Almandrade meditates on pleasure. His time is different, and so is his space. His work is not set on a single track, which undermines the notion of a monolithic creative impulse.

Using very few elements, he re-examines the process of creation, thus endowing his work with a self-reflective quality. His cold and disconnected images ponder on the diversity of being; being conceived as sensibility, and sensibility as an element of transgression. The ambiguity present in his work is perhaps more clearly seen in the desire for immobility. Fantasy, then, is produced through the perpetual annihilation of the will. The fragmented nature of ecstasy is what keeps perversion at bay. Almandrade and his objects drift untiringly, transmitting a vivid feeling of time not passing. And at that point, instead of pain we find reason.

Luiz Rosemberg Filho
Copyright 2001 Buenos Aires, Argentina

El nombre Almandrade - en realidad el artista se llama Antonio Luiz M. Andrade - est? asociado a una singular estrategia dentro de lo que se llama arte contempor?neo. El artista pl?stico, poeta y arquitecto ha producido una obra que se encamina hacia una est?tica minimalista, hacia una po?tica que se expresa utilizando un vocabulario m?nimo, ya sea pict?rico o ling??stico. Almandrade es uno de los principales nombres de la poes?a visual de Brasil de los a?os 70.

Seg?n Nicol?s Bernard, la ciudad de Bah?a, en Brasil tiene sus supersticiones y sus sorpresas culturales, entre ellas Joao Gilberto ,Dourival Cayme y Glauber Rocha y por qu? no, se pregunta, Almandrade. En definitiva, un artista que viene sorprendiendo desde hace treinta a?os con el rigor, la sutileza y la coherencia de trabajar con distintos soportes seguido por una tradici?n de un saber singular.
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